Field Trip Policies and Procedures


Field Trip Policies

When can you bring your group?   
The museum is open to the public from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Tuesday though Saturday, and 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday. We welcome school group field trips Monday through Friday; groups may arrive as early as 9:30 a.m. Our field trip program is focused on the academic school year. We get many requests for field trips in the last months of the school year and we have limited availability. We encourage you to plan ahead and come earlier in the year if you are able to! During the summer months, we welcome field trip visitors on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. ALL visits are subject to availability.

How much does a field trip cost?   
The cost of your field trip depends on what experiences your students will receive while they are at the museum. There is a base price for field trip visitors of $7.00 per student, which includes one experience of your choice. Each additional experience you select will add $3.50 per student to the trip pricing. Available student experiences include:

  • Access to our galleries showing our permanent and traveling exhibitions
  • Guided tours of the galleries
  • Planetarium shows in the Dome Planetarium
  • Immersive documentaries (educational films) in the Giant Screen Theater
A typical field trip consists of a guided tour of the galleries and either a planetarium show or an educational film, and costs $14.00 per student. A minimum of 15 students is required to receive the school group discount. Note, museum memberships can not be applied to group rates; admission with the Museums for All program is not valid for school group tours.

For those groups not sponsored by the Every Student Initiative, payment is due upon arrival. Payment for group visits must be made in a single transaction. Please make payment by cash, check, or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express). The preferred method of payment is credit card.

We extend school rates to homeschoolers, scouts, and summer camps. Non-academic groups are welcome to visit with our group rate. Click here for more information about group tours.

What are the expectations for students on field trips?   
Our goal is to provide a successful learning environment for all students. Clarifying all expectations of appropriate behavior helps to create that environment. During your group orientation, your students will be asked to remember the following rules:

  • Walk in the museum. No running.
  • Use indoor voices.
  • Many of our exhibits are “hands-on,” but some are not. We’ll help your students to know the difference.
  • Please: no food, drink, candy or gum in the galleries.
  • Respect others in your group as well as other museum visitors and staff.
  • Teachers and chaperones must stay with their groups at all times.
  • Photography is permitted in some galleries. Please ask your host for details.

What are the expectations for chaperones?   
Chaperones are a critical part of field trips to the Peoria Riverfront Museum, and are expected to stay with their students and help guide their engagement in museum experiences. All attending adults will be considered chaperones. For every five students, one teacher or adult chaperone is admitted free of charge. Additional chaperones will be charged the student rate, and will be added to the final bill for your group. Chaperones arriving separately from student busses may park in the museum's parking garage at no charge.

Can your group eat lunch during their visit?   
Limited space is available for school groups that would like to eat their sack lunches at the museum during their visit. If your group needs a space to eat lunch, you must request it at the time of reservation, and space is reserved on a first-come first-served basis.

Can students make purchases at the Museum Store or Concession Stand?   
The gift shop and concession stand are not available to students without prior approval. If your group wishes to take advantage of either area, please provide notice at the time of your reservation.

Reservation Request Procedure

Reservation requests must be submitted a minimum of 14 days in advance; those groups wishing to visit the Giant Screen Theater must request their reservation a minimum of 21 days in advance. To request a field trip for your class, please follow the steps outlined here:

  1. STEP 1: Check the Field Trip Scheduling Calendar and request your preferred visit date and arrival time.
    Teachers and school administrators can use our online scheduling system to see when we have openings for field trip groups, and put a request on their desired date and arrival time. The calendar can always be accessed right from our online scheduling page, and will always reflect the most up-to-date information on our availability.
  2. STEP 2: Fill out our Field Trip Reservation Request form.
    Once you’ve requested your field trip date on our calendar, fill out our online request form to give us some more information about your group. Here you’ll tell us where you’ll be visiting from, how many students and chaperones you’d like to bring, the student grade ranges that will be attending, and what experiences you want your students to have at the museum.

    After submitting your Field Trip Reservation Request form, you will get an email confirming the request you’ve submitted, and giving you an initial cost estimate for your group. This is not a confirmed reservation yet! You’ll get an email from the Education Department within three business days of submitting the form with a proposed itinerary for your trip based on your requests and our availability.
  3. STEP 3: Confirm the itinerary and officially reserve your field trip.
    If any changes to the proposed itinerary are needed, just let us know, and we’ll do our best to accommodate you! Once you respond to the email from the Education Department to approve the itinerary you’ve been sent and select any Planetarium shows or educational films for your visit, we will be able to officially reserve your field trip. When your field trip is finalized, you will get an email from the Education Department confirming your reservation, with all the details of your visit. This will include information on parking, lunch, and any other information you may need to successfully navigate bringing your students to the museum.
  4. STEP 4: Get your group ready for your visit with our Educator Resources.
    While you wait for your field trip date to arrive, you are encouraged to explore the museum’s Educator Resources to prepare for the trip. You can read up on how to help your students make connections between what they will see at the museum and your curriculum for the school year, explore our self-guided field trip activities, and plan for what you want to use with your students during their visit.

    Want to come see the exhibitions ahead of your group visit? Educators who have reserved a field trip with us are welcome to come visit the museum for free in advance of their trip. Click here to access your Educator Preview Pass!    
  5. STEP 5: Come to the museum!
    Now the fun part – arriving at the Peoria Riverfront Museum with your group, and watching your students unleash their inner geniuses as they get to experience the art, science, history, and achievement that the museum has to offer.
Groups arriving without a reservation may experience delayed entrance into the galleries due to over-crowding, and will be ineligible to receive the discounted group rate offered for field trips.

Check-in Procedure

PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME! Your field trip experiences are carefully scheduled, and arriving on time makes the day go easier for both you and your students. Late arrival may cause your group to miss some of their scheduled experiences.

Student drop-off is at the front entrance to the museum at 222 SW Washington Street. Buses can load and unload in the pull-up lane directly in front of the museum. Buses may park in the lot on Water Street, directly behind the museum, or under the Bob Michel Bridge. Bus drivers are very welcome to come into the building during the time of your group visit! Click here for detailed driving directions.

We encourage you to plan on arriving 15-20 minutes before your first scheduled program to allow for transition time (e.g.: check-in, bathroom breaks, etc.). Upon arrival, one group leader should check in at the front desk to report the final tally of students and adults and to pay for the field trip. It is important that you know your total numbers before coming to the front desk. This will ensure your group starts promptly at your designated time.

A museum host/educator will greet the group in the lobby and give a brief orientation. They will explain the museum rules, provide the chaperones with a map and group schedule, and give general directions based on your interests and schedule. All chaperones should be aware of their tour’s itinerary. Please use the schedule provided upon arrival.


Cancellations must be sent in writing no less than 48 hours before your scheduled arrival. Email the Education Department to cancel your visit. Schools failing to cancel a field trip within 48 hours will be billed 50% of the confirmed amount for their reservation.

Field trips canceled due to weather may be rescheduled at no additional cost.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if my group is running late?
Please call Peoria Riverfront Museum immediately at (309) 686-7000. Programs cannot be guaranteed if you arrive after your scheduled start. However, we will make every effort to accommodate the group and restructure your visit.

What if the weather is bad?
If your school is closed due to weather, any advance payments will either be refunded or credited toward a rescheduled visit. A cancellation fee will not be imposed if a visit is canceled on account of weather.

Are there pre-visit materials provided?
Our education team is working on developing guides for educators to use for each of our gallery spaces. Currently, teachers are invited to come preview the museum ahead of their field trip to prepare for their students' visit.

Can I preview the exhibits prior to my field trip?
Yes, you can download your educator preview pass here! When you arrive for your preview, you will need to show your school identification at the front desk.

May we bring additional chaperones?
Each group is allowed one adult chaperone for every five students, included in the price of your field trip. You may decide to bring more adults than that. Additional chaperones will be charged the same admission rates as students, and payment must be included in the school's one payment transaction.

What if parents want to attend?
If additional parents will be accompanying your group, they need to contact the school to be included in your group reservation. As an additional chaperone, they would be charged the school group rate and be included in the school's one payment transaction.

May a student use their Peoria Riverfront Museum membership or the Museums for All program toward school visit admission?
School group rates are already discounted and are customized programs. Memberships or other vouchers are not applied to group reservations or programs.

Can each student pay individually?
Schools must pay in one lump sum in order to receive the group rate. Students may not pay individually.

How does lunchtime work?
Limited space is available at no additional cost for schools that bring their lunches. Lunch areas must be reserved when you make your field trip reservations. Reservations are made on a first-ask, first-served basis.

Where do we store lunches, coats, and backpacks?
There will be large rolling bins provided at the time of your arrival. A museum host will bring the bin to your appropriate lunch area. Please remember to remove lunches from the bus when your students are dropped off at the museum entrance.